What legal options do the Anime Realms creators have now?
As you all know, the Anime Realms creators allege that they got scammed. They say that they signed a written contract to sell their game for $850,000. They transferred the game, but didn’t get payment.
There are two paths forward.
The first path is to file a lawsuit for breach of contract. Under a breach of contract theory, the anime realms creators would be entitled to get what they expected to get under the deal. So if they prevail, they are awarded $850,000.
The second path is file a lawsuit for fraud. Under a fraud theory, the Anime Realms creators could seek to unwind the deal entirely. So if they prevail, they get their game back.
In other words, they can either be awarded the $850,000 they were promised, OR they get the game back, but they don’t get both.
But which is the best way forward? I’ll cover that in another video.
Follow me. I’m Adam Starr, a lawyer for video game developers and UGC creators.